Professor and Associate Head (Teaching and Learning), Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Hong Kong
Director, Institute of Transport Studies, The University of Hong Kong
Address: Department of Civil Engineering
Telephone: (852) 2857-8552
Fax: (852) 2559-5337
Office: Rm 622
Prof. W.Y. Szeto is an Associate Head at the Department of Civil Engineering at The University of Hong Kong, and the Director of the Institute of Transport Studies at that university. He is a Top 1 % Scholar during 2015-2023 (according to Clarivate Analytics’ Essential Science Indicators) and currently a World’s Top 2% Scientist by Stanford University. His current h-index is 65 (Google Scholar). He is an author of over 170 refereed journal papers, with two papers in Operations Research and 34 papers in Transportation Research Part B. His publications have been cited over 12700 times (Google Scholar). The publications are related to shared mobility, dynamic traffic assignment, transport network design, public transport, network reliability, game theoretic approaches to transport and logistic problems, modeling land use, transport and environment interaction, and sustainable transport. Currently, he is an Editor-in-Chief of Transportmetrica B, an Associate Editor of Transportation Research Part D and Transportation Research Part E, Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, Transportmetrica A, Travel Behaviour and Society, an Area Editor of Networks and Spatial Economics, and an Editorial Board Member of Transportation Research Part C and International Journal of Sustainable Transportation.
Dynamic green bike repositioning problem – A hybrid rolling horizon artificial bee colony algorithm approach, Transportation Research Part D.
A static free-floating bike repositioning problem with multiple heterogeneous vehicles, multiple depots, and multiple visits, Transportation Research Part C.
Taxi Service Area Design: Formulation and Analysis
A simulation-optimization framework for a dynamic electric ride-hailing sharing problem with a novel charging strategy
CODE for simulation at a charging station
CODE for solving an REV charging subproblem