About Professor Pan


  Department of Civil Engineering,
  The University of Hong Kong,
  Pokfulam, Hong Kong


+852 2859 2671


+852 2559 5337






Professor Wei Pan 潘巍 教授


Head, Department of Civil Engineering
Executive Director, Centre for Innovation in Construction and Infrastructure Development
Professor in Construction Engineering and Management
The University of Hong Kong
香港大學 土木工程系 系主任
香港大學 建造及基建創新研究中心 執行總監
香港大學 土木工程系 教授 博士生導師
  • PhD, Construction Management, Loughborough University, UK
  • MSc (Distinction), Construction Project Management, Loughborough University, UK
  • BEng (Distinction; Ministry Award), Civil Engineering (Structural Engineering Discipline), Hunan University, China
  • Professor Wei Pan is currently Head of Department of Civil Engineering at The University of Hong Kong (HKU). He is also Executive Director of HKU Centre for Innovation in Construction and Infrastructure Development (CICID), Director of Net Zero Laboratory and MiC Laboratory, and Professor in Construction Engineering and Management at Department of Civil Engineering of HKU. From late 2022 to early 2024 Professor Pan was Acting Executive Vice-President (Administration and Finance) of HKU. Prior to that, he was Associate Vice-President (Research and GBA) and Associate Dean of Engineering (Masters) of HKU.

    Professor Pan is specialised in sustainable construction engineering and management, with research interest covering modular integrated construction (MiC), prefabrication, construction automation and robotics, sustainable infrastructure, zero carbon building, and lifecycle assessment. Professor Pan has a track record of HK$180 million research funding, of which as Principal Investigator or Project Coordinator for HK$103 million, from a number of organisations including Research Grants Council (RGC), Smart Traffic Fund (STF), Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), Europe Social Fund (ESF), Policy Innovation and Co-ordination Office (PICO), Central Policy Unit (CPU) and Development Bureau of the Government of the Hong Kong SAR, Environment and Conservation Fund (ECF), Construction Industry Council (CIC), Hong Kong Housing Authority, and Higher Education Academy (HEA). He has led a number of major grants including RGC CRF ($5.75m), RGC RIF ($14.3m), STF ($21.45m), PICO SPPR ($4.12m), etc., addressing the strategic areas of MiC, sustainability and construction engineering.

    Professor Pan created MiC with the Development Bureau of the HK Government. He developed the dialectical system theory to guide research into MiC and zero carbon building, and formed a systematic R&D framework to address MiC as a complex socio-technical system and break through technical bottlenecks covering MiConnection, MiCarry, MiChain, MiCrane, MiCarbon, MiCost, and MiC TFS (total factor sustainability). He also provided transformative research, guidance and services for MiC adoption and diffusion to many capital projects.

    He has authored over 380 publications and supervised over 100 doctoral and post-graduate researchers. He is Editor-in-Chief of the international journal Engineering Sustainability (Emerald), Guest Editor of several journals including npj Urban Sustainability, a Nature Portfolio journal, and sits on the editorial board of a number of other journals. Professor Pan is a Top 1% scholar worldwide by citations by Clarivate Analytics since 2021, World’s Top 2% Scientists Released by Stanford University since 2020, and a global most impactful scholar in civil engineering released by GlobalAuthorID in 2023.

    Professor Pan is a Chartered Builder, a Chartered Environmentalist, and a Member of the American Society of Civil Engineers. He was elected Fellow of the Higher Education Academy in 2010, and Fellow of the Institution of Civil Engineers and the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers in 2014. His career is supported by 30 years of working experience in academia and practice internationally including the UK, Singapore, Mainland China, and Hong Kong in building design and engineering, construction project management and innovation, and strategic management. In his practices he led or contributed to a number of major construction projects covering tall buildings, infrastructures, and sustainable community development.

    Professor Pan was awarded “Distinguished Young Investigator of China” by the Chinese Academy of Engineering in 2019, the 2020 Honours List of the HKSAR for his outstanding contribution to fighting the COVID-19, the “ICE Brunel Medal Highly Commended” in 2020, and the “MiC Outstanding People” by Development Bureau and Construction Industry Council in 2022. Professor Pan was Visiting Faculty of Imperial College London (2015), and is Guest Professor of Hunan University, Southeast University, and Tongji University.



    潘教授累計發表380餘篇學術論文及多項專利,培養100餘名博士後、博士生等科研人員。潘教授擔任國際期刊Engineering Sustainability的主編及多本國際期刊客座編輯或編委。他是Clarivate Analytics全球引用率前1%的學者,斯坦福大學公佈的世界排名前2%的科學家,也是全球學者庫發佈的2023年最具影響力土木工程領域學者之一。

    潘教授為英國特許建造師、英國特許環境師、英國高等教育院院士、香港工程師學會資深會士, 英國土木工程師學會資深會士。他在英國、新加坡、中國大陸及香港等地擁有30年的建築設計與建造、建築項目管理與創新等方面的學術和實踐經驗,主持或參與了多項重大項目,涉及高層建築、基礎設施和社區的可持續發展。

    潘教授於2019年獲評中國工程院中國工程前沿傑出青年學者,2020年獲英國土木工程師學會Brunel獎章Highly Commended獎,2020年入選香港特區政府授勳名單,榮獲特首社區服務獎,並於2022年被香港發展局和建造業議會授予MiC傑出人物。此外,潘教授在多個學術團體,政府和業界機構擔任專家、理事或顧問,包括英國帝國理工學院的訪問教授,湖南大學和同濟大學的兼職教授、東南大學的客座教授。