Submission of Manuscript:

Procedure for submitting manuscript by email only

  1. Prepare the manuscript using the paper template word file “Instructions-for-Authors-ICSAS2016-Paper-Template.doc”, and then save the manuscript in pdf file. (Download file)
  2. Complete the pdf file “Transfer-of-Copyright-Agreement-ICSAS2016.pdf”. (Download file)
  3. Email both the manuscript (pdf file only) and the transfer of copyright agreement form (also pdf file only) to Prof Ben Young ( on or before April 15, 2016 May 6, 2016.

Important notes:

  • Paper must be written in English.
  • Paper cannot exceed 20 pages in length, and 10 Mb in size (pdf file).
  • The file name of the paper should be identified using the paper id number provided in abstract submission and the surname of the first author (e.g., “123-Chan.pdf”).
  • Papers can only be accepted on the understanding that they will be presented at the Conference.
  • It should be noted that each presenter is allowed to present up to 2 papers.
  • The paper id (identification) number should be quoted in the email.
  • Don’t submit the manuscript to the “MyReview” submission system. Paper should be submitted by email ( only.

The ICSAS 2016 organising committee has decided not to accept late submission of abstract at this stage.