Continuum modeling for traffic equilibrium problems
Theory of traffic flow
Dynamic network modeling
Land-use and transportation problem
Urban taxi service
Road safety
Representative Research / Consultancy Projects
Enhancement of the trip matrix estimation procedure in the CTS-3 Model
Review of overseas practices on the formulation of road safety strategy and the effectiveness and the applicability in Hong Kong
First and second parking demand Study
Review of the Annual Traffic Census
Hong Kong Island North and Kowloon West Traffic Study
10 Selected Representative Publications
Wong, S.C., (1998). "Multi-commodity traffic assignment by continuum approximation of network flow with variable demand."
Transportation Research Part B, 32, 567-581.
Yang, H., and Wong, S.C. (1998). "A network model of urban taxi services."
Transportation Research Part B, 32, 235-246.
Wong, C.K., and Wong, S.C. (2003). "Lane-based optimization of signal timings for isolated junctions." T
ransportation Research Part B, 37, 63-84.
Sze, N.N., and Wong, S.C. (2007). "Diagnostic analysis of the logistic model for pedestrian injury severity in traffic crashes."
Accident Analysis and Prevention, 39, 1267-1278.
Lu, Y.D.., Wong, S.C., Zhang, M., and Shu, C.W. (2009). "The entropy solutions for the Lighthill-Whitham-Richards traffic flow model with a discontinuous flow-density relationship."
Transportation Science, 43, 511-530.
Huang, L., Wong, S.C., Zhang, M., Shu, C.W., and Lam, W.H.K. (2009). "'Revisiting Hughes' dynamic continuum model for pedestrian flow and the development of an efficient solution algorithm."
Transportation Research Part B, 43, 127-141.
Jiang, Y.Q., Wong, S.C., Ho, H.W., Zhang, P., Liu, R.X., and Sumalee A. (2011). "A dynamic traffic assignment model for a continuum transportation system. "
Transportation Research Part B, 45, 343-363.
Lin Z.Y., Wong, S.C., Zhang, P., and Choi, K. (2018). "A predictive continuum dynamic user-optimal model for the simultaneous departure time and route choice problem in a polycentric city."
Transportation Science, 52, 1496-1508.
Wong, W., and Wong, S.C. (2019). "Unbiased estimation methods of nonlinear transport models based on linearly projected data."
Transportation Science, 53, 665-682.
Jia, S., Wong, S.C., and Wong, W. (2023) “Uncertainty estimation of connected vehicle penetration rate.”
Transportation Science, 57, 1160-1176.