Professor J. YANG

Professor (Geotechnical Engineering)
Ir Professor J. YANG

BEng, Zhejiang University, China
PhD, Zhejiang University, China
PhD, Kyoto University, Japan


ASCE Fellow, ICE Fellow, HKIE Fellow


Office: HW 6-25
Phone: +852 2241 5273
Fax: +852 2559 5337


Teaching Activities
  • CIVL2102 Engineering Geology and Rock Mechanics
  • CIVL4101 Capstone Design Project
  • CIVL4102 Final Year Project
  • CIVL6004 Advanced Soil Mechanics
  • CIVL6027 Foundation Engineering
  • CIVL8021 Selected Advanced Topics in Soil Mechanics


Research Interests
  • Soil liquefaction and related phenomena
  • Laboratory testing and constitutive modeling
  • Granular materials and micromechanics
  • Seismic effects on geotechnical structures
  • Soil-structure interaction problems
  • Offshore and onshore foundations


Representative Research / Consultancy Projects
  • Towards a better understanding of the mechanisms for flowslides: experimentation, modeling, and implications, Research Grants Council of Hong Kong (RGC/GRF), 2023/2024
  • Towards a comprehensive understanding of the performance of offshore wind turbine systems in complex environments, Research Grants Council of Hong Kong (RGC/CRF), 2020/2021
  • Towards developing a novel method for quality control of hydraulic fills, Research Grants Council of Hong Kong (RGC/GRF), 2019/2020
  • Exploring the relationship between soil liquefaction resistance and shear wave velocity: A new approach and perspective, Research Grants Council of Hong Kong (RGC/GRF), 2018/2019
  • Cyclic Behavior of Monopile Foundations for Offshore Wind Turbines in Sandy Soils, Research Grants Council of Hong Kong (RGC Germany-Hong Kong Joint Research Scheme), 2018/2019
  • Constrained modulus and damping factor for modeling vertical ground motion, Research Grants Council of Hong Kong (RGC/GRF), 2017/2018
  • Towards a fundamental understanding of liquefaction of sand-fines mixtures, Research Grants Council of Hong Kong (RGC/GRF), 2016/2017


10 Selected Representative Publications
  • Wei, X. and Yang, J. (2023). “Characterising the effect of particle size disparity on liquefaction resistance of non-plastic silty sands from a critical state perspective.” Géotechnique, 73(4), 323-336.
  • Tang, X. and Yang, J. (2021). “Wave propagation in granular material: What is the role of particle shape?” Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 157, 104605.
  • Yang, J., Liu, X., Guo, Y. and Liang, L.B. (2018). “A unified framework for evaluating in situ state of sand with varying fines content.” Géotechnique, 68(2), 177-183.
  • Yang, J. and Liu, X. (2016). “Shear wave velocity and stiffness of sand: the role of non-plastic fines.” Géotechnique, 66(6), 500-514.
  • Yang, J. and Luo, X.D. (2015). “Exploring the relationship between critical state and particle shape for granular materials.” Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 84, 196-213.
  • Sze, H. Y. and Yang, J. (2014). “Failure modes of sand in undrained cyclic loading: Impact of sample preparation.” Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, 140(1), 152-169.
  • Yang, J. and Gu, X.Q. (2013). “Shear stiffness of granular material at small strains: does it depend on grain size?” Géotechnique, 63(2), 165-179.
  • Yang, J. and Wei, L.M. (2012). “Collapse of loose sand with the addition of fines: the role of particle shape.” Géotechnique, 62(12), 1111-1125.
  • Yu, F. and Yang, J. (2012). “Base capacity of open-ended steel pipe piles in sand.” Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, 138(9), 1116-1128.
  • Yang, J. and Sze, H.Y. (2011). “Cyclic behaviour and resistance of saturated sand under non-symmetrical loading conditions.” Géotechnique, 61(1), 59-74.


For more information of Professor J. Yang, please visit